Despite the fact that from 2013 till present most of my efforts and time have been driven towards interiors and studio photography, I have never stopped taking my own personal pictures, developing my own relationship with photography and shooting things that truly interest me.
I love living in this city. It pleases me so much being able to just look and learn.
Such a huge pool of human beings, such an array of interactions, of cultural manifestations.
London gives me answers, but also, and more importantly, many questions. All the time. How I love that!
Next batch of photos covers my last 15 years living in this mighty city.
They talk about myself, about how I’ve seen London throughout the years; the huge beehive it is, the particularities of its individuals, about the feelings it arises on me and others.
They talk about our sense of belonging, the loneliness, sometimes; the vulnerability of the individual against a city that at times can get hostile and unwelcoming. All in all, they talked about the adventure of living in this place I ended up calling home.